Frequently asked questions

Explore our comprehensive FAQs to find detailed answers and solutions tailored for artists and fans.


Accounts are free for both fans and artists.

If you Follow an artist, you will get notified of new events, merch etc. If you Subscribe, you will get access to exclusive content and merch.

If you follow or subscribe to an artist, then you will get notified whenever that artist releases something new.

No, the artist can set certain merch and event tickets to be available to everyone. Some merch and events will only be available to subscribers however.

We want to help artists plan future tours, to do that we need to know where their fans live.

No, we do not sell your personal data anywhere.

If the artist allowed recording of the event, then that event will show up in your library and you can re-watch as often as you’d like.

If the artist allows unlimited tickets and allowed recording of the event, you can still purchase that event and it will be available in your library.

For Artists

After credit card processing fees, Artists receive 80% of all streaming event tickets, subscriptions and tips. Artists receive 90% of all merch sales.

You can set the ticket price, the discount for subscribers, the number of tickets available, if it is available to Subscribers, Followers or anyone, if the event will be recorded and can be purchased afterwards, if there is exclusive merch for ticket holders.

After your store is setup and online, you simply design your merch and publish to your store. Then we take care of the rest - we print the merch and ship it worldwide from one of our partner sites around the globe.

Simply go to your Artist dashboard and connect your bank account or other payment method and you can transfer from your vyb wallet to your own account.

You can upload your existing fan base under Contacts Management in your artist Dashboard. After uploading your list you can send all the contacts an email to invite them to vyb.

Yes, we recommend that you use external switching hardware or OBS software solutions. For more info, go to the streaming setup guide.

Yes, you can pipe audio from your favorite DAW directly to vyb through third party software like VB-cable.

Have any other questions?

Feel free to email us with your inquiry or statement at: